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Credit Cards

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{{creditcard.customer_id}}integerThe customer id #
{{creditcard.creditcard_id}}integerThe credit card ID #
{{creditcard.external_key}}stringUnique external key value
{{creditcard.type}}stringCredit card type user-friendly name
{{creditcard.token}}stringCredit card token
{{}}stringName on the credit card
{{creditcard.mask_number}}stringLast 4 digits of the credit card
{{creditcard.mask_and_bin_number}}stringFirst 6 digits and last 4 digits of the credit card
{{creditcard.expdate}}stringExpiration date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
{{creditcard.expdate_year}}stringExpiration year (4-digits, YYYY) (only required if you do not provide expdate)
{{creditcard.expdate_month}}stringExpiration month (2-digits, MM) (only required if you do not provide expdate)
{{creditcard.expdate_formatted}}stringExpiration date (formatted)
{{creditcard.address}}stringBilling street address
{{}}stringBilling city
{{creditcard.state}}stringBilling state
{{creditcard.postcode}}stringBilling postal code
{{}}stringBilling country
{{creditcard.write_datetime}}datetimeDate/time the credit card was created
{{creditcard.write_ipaddr}}stringIP address that created the credit card
{{creditcard.mod_datetime}}datetimeDate/time the credit card was last modified
{{creditcard.mod_ipaddr}}stringIP address that last modified the credit card