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Update a quote



If you want to keep a line item unchanged, pass just the line_item_id value of the existing line item.



    refnumber string

    Quote reference number

    external_key string

    External key value

    paycycle string

    Payment cycle for the quote (e.g. monthly, etc.)

    nickname string

    Quote nickname

    holduntil_datetime_str string

    Date/time invoicing for the resulting subscription to be delayed until

    terms_id integer

    Terms ID number

    class_id integer

    Class ID number for Quickbooks

    admin_id integer

    Admin/Worker ID number

    bill_addr1 string

    Billing address line 1

    bill_addr2 string

    Billing address line 2

    bill_addr3 string

    Billing address line 3

    bill_city string

    Billing address city

    bill_state string

    Billing address state

    bill_postcode string

    Billing address postal code

    bill_country string

    Billing address country

    bill_notes string


    ship_addr1 string

    Shipping address line 1

    ship_addr2 string

    Shipping address line 2

    ship_addr3 string

    Shipping address line 3

    ship_city string

    Shipping address city

    ship_state string

    Shipping address state

    ship_postcode string

    Shipping address postal code

    ship_country string

    Shipping address country

    ship_notes string


    memo string

    Memo/notes to customer

    custom_1 string

    Custom field #1

    custom_2 string

    Custom field #2

    custom_3 string

    Custom field #3

    custom_4 string

    Custom field #4

    custom_5 string

    Custom field #5

    custom_6 string

    Custom field #6

    custom_7 string

    Custom field #7

    custom_8 string

    Custom field #8

    custom_9 string

    Custom field #9

    custom_10 string

    Custom field #10

    custom_11 string

    Custom field #11

    custom_12 string

    Custom field #12

    custom_13 string

    Custom field #13

    custom_14 string

    Custom field #14

    custom_15 string

    Custom field #15

    custom_16 string

    Custom field #16

    custom_17 string

    Custom field #17

    custom_18 string

    Custom field #18

    custom_19 string

    Custom field #19

    custom_20 string

    Custom field #20



    A list of line items for the quote

  • Array [

  • item_id integer

    Item ID # for this line

    descrip string


    line_rate float

    (Deprecated - see the "tierset" attribute)

    line_quantity float


    custom_1 string

    Custom field #1

    custom_2 string

    Custom field #2

    custom_3 string

    Custom field #3

    custom_4 string

    Custom field #4

    custom_5 string

    Custom field #5

    custom_6 string

    Custom field #6

    custom_7 string

    Custom field #7

    custom_8 string

    Custom field #8

    custom_9 string

    Custom field #9

    custom_10 string

    Custom field #10

    custom_11 string

    Custom field #11

    custom_12 string

    Custom field #12

    custom_13 string

    Custom field #13

    custom_14 string

    Custom field #14

    custom_15 string

    Custom field #15

    custom_16 string

    Custom field #16

    custom_17 string

    Custom field #17

    custom_18 string

    Custom field #18

    custom_19 string

    Custom field #19

    custom_20 string

    Custom field #20

    tierset array

    Pricing information

  • ]


Object was updated successfully


    code integer
    status string
    message stringnullable
    details objectnullable



    id integer