Get a specific quote
If the quote has been turned into an invoice, there will be an invoices
attribute which links
to the related invoice.
If the quote has been turned into a subscription, there will be a packages
attribute which links
to the related subscription.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
Object was fetched successfully
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
code integer
status string
message stringnullable
details objectnullable
response object
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": {}
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "",
"details": {},
"response": {
"quote_id": 198,
"terms_id": 2,
"admin_id": 1,
"currency_id": 1,
"token": "659m6ys792j0",
"refnumber": "198",
"paycycle": "mon",
"bill_addr1": "72 E Blue Grass Road",
"bill_addr2": null,
"bill_addr3": null,
"bill_city": "Minneapolis",
"bill_state": "MN",
"bill_postcode": "55416",
"bill_country": "United States",
"bill_notes": null,
"ship_addr1": null,
"ship_addr2": null,
"ship_addr3": null,
"ship_city": null,
"ship_state": null,
"ship_postcode": null,
"ship_country": null,
"ship_notes": null,
"memo": null,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:50",
"quote_status_name": "Accepted",
"quote_status_str": "closed-won",
"quote_status_state": "c",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"total": 10.4,
"setup": 100,
"terms_name": "Net 30",
"date": "2019-08-14",
"due_date": "2019-09-13",
"bill_block": "72 E Blue Grass Road\r\nMinneapolis, MN 55416\r\nUnited States",
"ship_block": "",
"url_permalink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/view/659m6ys792j0",
"url_pdflink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/pdf/659m6ys792j0",
"url_self": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/admin/r/quote/view/198",
"url_acceptlink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/accept/659m6ys792j0",
"url_rejectlink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/reject/659m6ys792j0",
"customer_id": 294,
"line_items": [
"quote_id": 198,
"item_id": 1,
"tierset_id": 175,
"descrip": "This is a ChargeOver test item.",
"line_rate": 10.95,
"line_quantity": 1,
"is_base": false,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"item_name": "My Test Service Plan",
"item_external_key": null,
"item_token": "d70a9a880d95",
"item_accounting_sku": null,
"line_total": 10.95,
"line_subtotal": 10.95,
"line_item_id": 367,
"tierset": {
"tierset_id": 175,
"currency_id": 1,
"setup": 100,
"base": 10.95,
"minimum": 0,
"percent": 0,
"paycycle": "evy",
"pricemodel": "fla",
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:45",
"mod_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:45",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"setup_formatted": "$ 100.00",
"base_formatted": "$ 10.95",
"minimum_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"percent_formatted": "0 %",
"pricemodel_desc": "Flat Pricing (example: $X dollars every billing cycle)",
"tiers": []
"quote_id": 198,
"item_id": 2,
"tierset_id": 174,
"descrip": "Discount",
"line_rate": 0,
"line_quantity": 1,
"is_base": false,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"item_name": "Discount",
"item_external_key": null,
"item_token": "62ucb1dhemv3",
"item_accounting_sku": null,
"line_total": 0,
"line_subtotal": 0,
"line_item_id": 368,
"tierset": {
"tierset_id": 174,
"currency_id": 1,
"setup": 0,
"base": 0,
"minimum": 0,
"percent": 5,
"paycycle": "evy",
"pricemodel": "fla",
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:40",
"mod_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:40",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"setup_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"base_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"minimum_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"percent_formatted": "5 %",
"pricemodel_desc": "Flat Pricing (example: $X dollars every billing cycle)",
"tiers": []
"sent": [],
"invoices": [],
"packages": [
"package_id": 44
Bad request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
code integer
status string
message stringnullable
details objectnullable
response boolean
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 400,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Missing or invalid parameter.",
"details": {},
"response": false
Authentication error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
code integer
status string
message stringnullable
details objectnullable
response boolean
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 401,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Invalid or incorrect authorization [Missing (basic) authorization header.]",
"details": {},
"response": false
Object not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
code integer
status string
message stringnullable
details objectnullable
response booleannullable
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 404,
"status": "Error",
"message": "This object does not exist.",
"details": {},
"response": null