Get a specific quote
If the quote has been turned into an invoice, there will be an invoices
attribute which links
to the related invoice.
If the quote has been turned into a subscription, there will be a packages
attribute which links
to the related subscription.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
Object was fetched successfully
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
Array [
Quote ID #
Quote reference number
External key value
Payment cycle for the quote (e.g. monthly, etc.)
Quote nickname
Customer ID #
Date/time the quote was created
Quote date
Quote valid until
Date/time invoicing for the resulting subscription to be delayed until
Currency ID #
Currency symbol
Currency ISO 4217 representation
Terms ID number
Class ID number for Quickbooks
Terms name
Terms Number of days
Brand ID number
Payment cycle name
Admin/Worker ID number
Admin/Worker Name
Unique token
Billing address line 1
Billing address line 2
Billing address line 3
Billing address city
Billing address state
Billing address postal code
Billing address country
Printable billing address
Shipping address line 1
Shipping address line 2
Shipping address line 3
Shipping address city
Shipping address state
Shipping address postal code
Shipping address country
Printable shipping address
URL to view the quote
URL to get a PDF of the quote
URL for viewing the quote in the GUI
URL to visit to accept the quote
URL to visit to provide a payment method for the quote
URL to visit to reject the quote
URL the lead should be redirected to after accepting a quote
URL the lead should be redirected to after rejecting a quote
The Date/time that the quote was accepted
The Date/time that the quote was rejected
Date the quote is due
Optional one time free charged for set up expenses
Amount due after taxes and fees
The amount due when you accept the quote
Amount due before taxes and fees
Amount due for taxes
Human-friendly quote status
Status string
Status code
Memo/notes to customer
Custom field #1
Custom field #2
Custom field #3
Custom field #4
Custom field #5
Custom field #6
Custom field #7
Custom field #8
Custom field #9
Custom field #10
Custom field #11
Custom field #12
Custom field #13
Custom field #14
Custom field #15
Custom field #16
Custom field #17
Custom field #18
Custom field #19
Custom field #20
A list of line items for the quote
Invoice line ID #
Invoice ID #
Item ID # for this line
Item name
Item accounting SKU
Item external key
Item token
Item type
Quote line bundle ID #
Tierset ID # for this line
(Deprecated - see the "tierset" attribute)
Line subtotal
Line total
Number of invoices to occur on before expiring
The total amount that was taxable
The amount that tax was calculated from
The tax amount for this line
Custom field #1
Custom field #2
Custom field #3
Custom field #4
Custom field #5
Custom field #6
Custom field #7
Custom field #8
Custom field #9
Custom field #10
Custom field #11
Custom field #12
Custom field #13
Custom field #14
Custom field #15
Custom field #16
Custom field #17
Custom field #18
Custom field #19
Custom field #20
Pricing information
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": {
"quote_id": 0,
"refnumber": "string",
"external_key": "string",
"paycycle": "string",
"nickname": "string",
"customer_id": 0,
"write_datetime": "string",
"date": "2024-07-29",
"validuntil_date": "2024-07-29",
"holduntil_datetime_str": "string",
"currency_id": 0,
"currency_symbol": "string",
"currency_iso4217": "string",
"terms_id": 0,
"class_id": 0,
"terms_name": "string",
"terms_days": 0,
"brand_id": 0,
"paycycle_name": "string",
"admin_id": 0,
"admin_name": "string",
"token": "string",
"bill_addr1": "string",
"bill_addr2": "string",
"bill_addr3": "string",
"bill_city": "string",
"bill_state": "string",
"bill_postcode": "string",
"bill_country": "string",
"bill_notes": "string",
"bill_block": "string",
"ship_addr1": "string",
"ship_addr2": "string",
"ship_addr3": "string",
"ship_city": "string",
"ship_state": "string",
"ship_postcode": "string",
"ship_country": "string",
"ship_notes": "string",
"ship_block": "string",
"url_permalink": "string",
"url_pdflink": "string",
"url_self": "string",
"url_acceptlink": "string",
"url_paylink": "string",
"url_rejectlink": "string",
"url_acceptredirect": "string",
"url_rejectredirect": "string",
"won_datetime": "string",
"lost_datetime": "string",
"due_date": "2024-07-29",
"setup": 0,
"total": 0,
"upfront": 0,
"subtotal": 0,
"taxes": 0,
"quote_status_name": "string",
"quote_status_str": "string",
"quote_status_state": "string",
"memo": "string",
"custom_1": "string",
"custom_2": "string",
"custom_3": "string",
"custom_4": "string",
"custom_5": "string",
"custom_6": "string",
"custom_7": "string",
"custom_8": "string",
"custom_9": "string",
"custom_10": "string",
"custom_11": "string",
"custom_12": "string",
"custom_13": "string",
"custom_14": "string",
"custom_15": "string",
"custom_16": "string",
"custom_17": "string",
"custom_18": "string",
"custom_19": "string",
"custom_20": "string",
"line_items": [
"line_item_id": 0,
"quote_id": 0,
"item_id": 0,
"item_name": "string",
"item_accounting_sku": "string",
"item_external_key": "string",
"item_token": "string",
"item_type": "string",
"quote_line_bundle_id": 0,
"tierset_id": 0,
"descrip": "string",
"line_rate": 0,
"line_quantity": 0,
"line_subtotal": 0,
"line_total": 0,
"expire_recurs": 0,
"tax_taxable": 0,
"tax_taxed": 0,
"tax_total": 0,
"tax_id": "string",
"tax_group_id": "string",
"custom_1": "string",
"custom_2": "string",
"custom_3": "string",
"custom_4": "string",
"custom_5": "string",
"custom_6": "string",
"custom_7": "string",
"custom_8": "string",
"custom_9": "string",
"custom_10": "string",
"custom_11": "string",
"custom_12": "string",
"custom_13": "string",
"custom_14": "string",
"custom_15": "string",
"custom_16": "string",
"custom_17": "string",
"custom_18": "string",
"custom_19": "string",
"custom_20": "string",
"subscribe_prorate_from_datetime": "string",
"subscribe_prorate_to_datetime": "string",
"tierset": [
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "",
"details": {},
"response": {
"quote_id": 198,
"terms_id": 2,
"admin_id": 1,
"currency_id": 1,
"token": "659m6ys792j0",
"refnumber": "198",
"paycycle": "mon",
"bill_addr1": "72 E Blue Grass Road",
"bill_addr2": null,
"bill_addr3": null,
"bill_city": "Minneapolis",
"bill_state": "MN",
"bill_postcode": "55416",
"bill_country": "United States",
"bill_notes": null,
"ship_addr1": null,
"ship_addr2": null,
"ship_addr3": null,
"ship_city": null,
"ship_state": null,
"ship_postcode": null,
"ship_country": null,
"ship_notes": null,
"memo": null,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:50",
"quote_status_name": "Accepted",
"quote_status_str": "closed-won",
"quote_status_state": "c",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"total": 10.4,
"setup": 100,
"terms_name": "Net 30",
"date": "2019-08-14",
"due_date": "2019-09-13",
"bill_block": "72 E Blue Grass Road\r\nMinneapolis, MN 55416\r\nUnited States",
"ship_block": "",
"url_permalink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/view/659m6ys792j0",
"url_pdflink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/pdf/659m6ys792j0",
"url_self": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/admin/r/quote/view/198",
"url_acceptlink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/accept/659m6ys792j0",
"url_rejectlink": "http://dev1.chargeover.test/r/quote/reject/659m6ys792j0",
"customer_id": 294,
"line_items": [
"quote_id": 198,
"item_id": 1,
"tierset_id": 175,
"descrip": "This is a ChargeOver test item.",
"line_rate": 10.95,
"line_quantity": 1,
"is_base": false,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"item_name": "My Test Service Plan",
"item_external_key": null,
"item_token": "d70a9a880d95",
"item_accounting_sku": null,
"line_total": 10.95,
"line_subtotal": 10.95,
"line_item_id": 367,
"tierset": {
"tierset_id": 175,
"currency_id": 1,
"setup": 100,
"base": 10.95,
"minimum": 0,
"percent": 0,
"paycycle": "evy",
"pricemodel": "fla",
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:45",
"mod_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:45",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"setup_formatted": "$ 100.00",
"base_formatted": "$ 10.95",
"minimum_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"percent_formatted": "0 %",
"pricemodel_desc": "Flat Pricing (example: $X dollars every billing cycle)",
"tiers": []
"quote_id": 198,
"item_id": 2,
"tierset_id": 174,
"descrip": "Discount",
"line_rate": 0,
"line_quantity": 1,
"is_base": false,
"custom_1": null,
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"item_name": "Discount",
"item_external_key": null,
"item_token": "62ucb1dhemv3",
"item_accounting_sku": null,
"line_total": 0,
"line_subtotal": 0,
"line_item_id": 368,
"tierset": {
"tierset_id": 174,
"currency_id": 1,
"setup": 0,
"base": 0,
"minimum": 0,
"percent": 5,
"paycycle": "evy",
"pricemodel": "fla",
"write_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:40",
"mod_datetime": "2019-08-14 10:38:40",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"setup_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"base_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"minimum_formatted": "$ 0.00",
"percent_formatted": "5 %",
"pricemodel_desc": "Flat Pricing (example: $X dollars every billing cycle)",
"tiers": []
"sent": [],
"invoices": [],
"packages": [
"package_id": 44
Bad request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 400,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Missing or invalid parameter.",
"details": {},
"response": false
Authentication error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 401,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Invalid or incorrect authorization [Missing (basic) authorization header.]",
"details": {},
"response": false
Object not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 404,
"status": "Error",
"message": "This object does not exist.",
"details": {},
"response": null