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Validate a credit card

Validating a credit card lets you determine if a given credit card number and expiration date are valid.


Call the ChargeOver.CreditCard.validate(...) method to validate credit card information.

var my_data = {
number: '4111 1111 1111 1111',
expdate_month: 7,
expdate_year: 2016,
name: 'John D Doe'

// CVV/CSC card security code (used only for card validation, not stored)
// cvv: '',

// Optional address information (can be used for address verification)
// address: '',
// city: '',
// state: '',
// postcode: '',
// country: ''

function my_callback_function(code, message, response)
if (code == 200)
alert('Not valid!');

ChargeOver.CreditCard.validate(my_data, my_callback_function);