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List custom fields



Possible values for type:

  • string - a single-line free-form text field
  • select - a dropdown/select box offering a specific set of choices
  • date - a date
  • number - a number

If the type is select, available choices will be returned in type_opts.

The field attribute is the API field name you can use to populate custom field data onto an object. For example, if context_str=customer and field=custom_2 then when you create a customer via the REST API, you would send:

POST /api/v3/customer

{ "company": "Sombra Corporation", "custom_2": "The Dark Tower" }

Custom fields are not required, so can be left out of API requests if you do not wish to provide a value.



Object was fetched successfully


    code integer
    status string
    message stringnullable
    details objectnullable
    response object