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Get a specific invoice





Object was fetched successfully


    code integer
    status string
    message stringnullable
    details objectnullable



    invoice_id integer

    Invoice ID #

    refnumber string

    Invoice reference number

    external_key string

    External key value

    invoice_index integer

    The invoice subscription sequence number on a subscription

    package_id integer

    Subscription ID # this invoice was generated from

    customer_id integer

    Customer ID #

    brand_id integer

    Brand ID #

    brand_name string

    Brand name

    write_datetime string

    Date/time the invoice was created

    mod_datetime string

    Date/time this subscription was last updated

    void_datetime string

    Date/time the invoice was voided

    date date

    Invoice date

    currency_id integer

    Currency ID #

    currency_symbol string

    Currency symbol

    currency_iso4217 string

    Currency ISO 4217 representation

    class_id integer

    Class ID #

    class_name string

    Class Name

    paycycle string

    Payment cycle

    paycycle_name string

    Payment cycle name

    terms_id integer

    Terms ID #

    terms_name string

    Terms name

    terms_days integer

    Terms number of days

    admin_id integer

    Admin/Worker ID number

    admin_name string

    Admin/Worker Name

    token string

    Unique token

    bill_addr1 string

    Billing address line 1

    bill_addr2 string

    Billing address line 2

    bill_addr3 string


    bill_city string

    Billing address city

    bill_state string

    Billing address state

    bill_postcode string

    Billing address postal code

    bill_country string

    Billing address country

    bill_notes string


    bill_block string

    Printable billing address

    ship_addr1 string

    Shipping address line 1

    ship_addr2 string

    Shipping address line 2

    ship_addr3 string


    ship_city string

    Shipping address city

    ship_state string

    Shipping address state

    ship_postcode string

    Shipping address postal code

    ship_country string

    Shipping address country

    ship_notes string


    ship_block string

    Printable shipping address

    cycle_pre_from_date date

    For pre-billing, cycle start date

    cycle_pre_to_date date

    For pre-billing, cycle end date

    cycle_this_date date

    Cycle date (generally the invoice date)

    cycle_post_from_date date

    For post-billing (in arrears), cycle start date

    cycle_post_to_date date

    For post-billing (in arrears), cycle end date

    url_permalink string

    URL to view the invoice

    url_pdflink string

    URL to download the invoice PDF

    url_paylink string

    URL to pay for the invoice

    url_self string

    URL for viewing the invoice in the GUI

    is_paid boolean

    Whether or not the invoice has been paid

    is_void boolean

    Whether or not the invoice has been voided

    is_overdue boolean

    Whether or not the invoice is overdue

    due_date date

    Date the invoice is due

    days_overdue integer

    Number days overdue the invoice is

    paid_date date

    Date this invoice was paid

    balance float

    Balance of the invoice

    applied float

    Amount applied to the invoice

    total float

    Invoice total

    subtotal float

    Invoice subtotal

    taxes float


    credits float

    Amount of credits applied to the invoice

    payments float

    Amount of payments applied to the invoice

    writeoffs float

    Amount written off

    refunds float

    Amount refunded

    overdue float

    Amount overdue

    declines integer

    Number of times that payment was attempted and failed for this invoice

    sum_base float

    Sum of the amounts of all base fees on the invoice

    sum_usage float

    Sum of the amounts of all usage-based/metered fees on the invoice

    sum_onetime float

    Sum of the amounts of all of the one-time charges on the invoice

    invoice_status_name string

    Human-friendly invoice status

    invoice_status_str string

    Status string

    invoice_status_state string

    Status code

    memo string

    Memo/notes to customer

    custom_1 string

    Custom field #1

    custom_2 string

    Custom field #2

    custom_3 string

    Custom field #3

    custom_4 string

    Custom field #4

    custom_5 string

    Custom field #5

    custom_6 string

    Custom field #6

    custom_7 string

    Custom field #7

    custom_8 string

    Custom field #8

    custom_9 string

    Custom field #9

    custom_10 string

    Custom field #10

    custom_11 string

    Custom field #11

    custom_12 string

    Custom field #12

    custom_13 string

    Custom field #13

    custom_14 string

    Custom field #14

    custom_15 string

    Custom field #15

    custom_16 string

    Custom field #16

    custom_17 string

    Custom field #17

    custom_18 string

    Custom field #18

    custom_19 string

    Custom field #19

    custom_20 string

    Custom field #20



    A list of line items for the invoice

  • Array [

  • line_item_id integer

    Invoice line ID #

    invoice_id integer

    Invoice ID #

    admin_id integer

    Admin worker/sales rep ID #

    item_id integer

    Item ID # for this line

    item_name string

    Item name

    item_accounting_sku string

    Item accounting SKU

    item_external_key string

    Item external key

    item_token string

    Item token

    item_units string

    Item units

    item_type string

    Item type

    invoice_line_bundle_id integer

    Invoice line bundle ID #

    paycycle string

    Payment cycle

    tierset_id integer

    Tierset ID # for this line

    package_line_id integer

    Package line ID # that this line originated from

    package_line_external_key string

    Subscription line external key

    package_obligation_id int

    The contractual obligation this line counted towards

    package_line_first_obligation_id int

    The ID number of the first contractual obligation for the subscription line that this line originated from

    descrip string


    line_prorate float

    If the line is prorated this value is the prorated percentage

    line_rate float


    line_quantity float


    line_usage float

    Usage value

    line_subtotal float

    Line subtotal

    line_total float

    Line total

    usage_from float
    usage_to float
    number_of_recurs_this integer

    Number of times this has recurred since the last up/downgrade

    number_of_recurs_line integer

    Number of times this line has recurred

    tax_taxable float

    The total amount that was taxable

    tax_taxed float

    The amount that tax was calculated from

    tax_total float

    The tax amount for this line

    tax_id string
    tax_group_id string
    tax_name string
    tax_group_name string
    is_usage bool

    Whether or not this line item was created from usage data

    is_setup bool

    Whether or not this line was a one-time setup fee

    is_base bool

    Whether or not this line is the base line item for other tiered/volume/unit lines

    is_free bool

    Whether or not this line item was free (equal to $0.00)

    is_recurring bool

    Whether or not this line is recurring

    is_taxed bool

    Whether or not this line item was taxed/subject to VAT

    is_latefee bool

    Whether or not this line item was a late fee

    is_obligation bool

    Whether or not this line item was towards a contractual obligation

    custom_1 string

    Custom field #1

    custom_2 string

    Custom field #2

    custom_3 string

    Custom field #3

    custom_4 string

    Custom field #4

    custom_5 string

    Custom field #5

    custom_6 string

    Custom field #6

    custom_7 string

    Custom field #7

    custom_8 string

    Custom field #8

    custom_9 string

    Custom field #9

    custom_10 string

    Custom field #10

  • ]

  • schedule


    A list of scheduled payments for this invoice

  • Array [

  • invoice_schedule_id integer

    Scheduled ID #

    invoice_id integer

    Invoice ID #

    token string

    A unique token to identify this scheduled event

    paymethod string

    The payment method (crd for credit card, ach for ACH/eCheck, inv for just sending an invoice

    creditcard_id integer

    If the payment is scheduled against a credit card, the creditcard_id value

    ach_id integer

    If a bank account payment, the ach_id value

    tokenized_id integer

    If a tokenized payment method, the tokenized_id value

    due_date date

    Payment due date

    days_overdue integer

    Number of days overdue

    amount float

    Amount to schedule payment for

    amount_or_percent_formatted string

    A pretty-formatted amount or percent that was scheduled

    balance float

    Balance (amount due) of this payment

    date date

    Date to run the payment on

    url_paylink string

    URL to pay for this scheduled payment

    url_ttl_paylink string

    URL to pay for this scheduled payment

  • ]

  • tags string[]

    A list of tags
