Get a specific customer
Get a specific customer using their customer_id.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
Object was fetched successfully
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
Customer ID #
Parent customer ID #
Customer Token
Main contact ID #
External key value
Company/customer name
Language ID #
Currency ID #
ISO 4217 currency code representation
Symbol for currency ($, £, etc.)
Default class tracking ID #
Admin/Worker ID number
Campaign/lead source ID #
Main contact username
Main contact e-mail address
Main contact name
Main contact first name
Main contact last name
Main contact phone number
Main contact token
Main contact title
Billing address line 1
Billing address line 2
Billing address city
Billing address state/province
Billing address postal code
Billing address country
Printable billing address
Shipping address line 1
Shipping address line 2
Shipping address city
Shipping address state
Shipping address postal code
Shipping address country
Printable shipping address
Custom field #1
Custom field #2
Custom field #3
Custom field #4
Custom field #5
Custom field #6
Custom field #7
Custom field #8
Custom field #9
Custom field #10
Custom field #11
Custom field #12
Custom field #13
Custom field #14
Custom field #15
Custom field #16
Custom field #17
Custom field #18
Custom field #19
Custom field #20
Date/time this customer was created
IP address that created this customer
Date/time this customer was updated
IP address that last updated this customer
Brand ID #
Class name
Default terms ID number
Default payment terms
Number of days for the default payment terms
URL the customer can visit to view their monthly statement
URL the customer can visit to update their payment method
URL for viewing the customer in the GUI
Admin/Worker Name
Admin/Worker Email
Customer Status ID #
Human-friendly customer status
Status string
Status code
Default payment method type
Default credit card ID number (if the default payment method is a credit card)
Default ACH/eCheck ID number (if the default payment method is ACH)
Flag to disable charging of taxes
Flag to disable dunning
Flag to disable late fees
Flag to disable processing fees
Delivery method for initial invoices ("email" or "print" for printed hard-copy)
Possible values: [print
, email
Delivery method for dunning/reminder invoices ("email" or "print" for printed hard-copy via Docsaway, Lob, etc.)
Possible values: [print
, email
Tax ID #/VAT #
The sum total amount of all invoices ever issued to this customer (lifetime value)
Balance due for this customer
The lifetime net total payments minus refunds this customer has made
Current monthly recurring revenue of the customer
Current annual recurring revenue of the customer
A list of tags
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": {
"customer_id": 0,
"parent_customer_id": 0,
"token": "string",
"superuser_id": 0,
"external_key": "string",
"display_as": "string",
"company": "string",
"language_id": 0,
"currency_id": 0,
"currency_iso4217": "string",
"currency_symbol": "string",
"class_id": 0,
"admin_id": 0,
"campaign_id": 0,
"superuser_username": "string",
"superuser_email": "string",
"superuser_name": "string",
"superuser_first_name": "string",
"superuser_last_name": "string",
"superuser_phone": "string",
"superuser_token": "string",
"superuser_title": "string",
"bill_addr1": "string",
"bill_addr2": "string",
"bill_addr3": "string",
"bill_city": "string",
"bill_state": "string",
"bill_postcode": "string",
"bill_country": "string",
"bill_block": "string",
"ship_addr1": "string",
"ship_addr2": "string",
"ship_addr3": "string",
"ship_city": "string",
"ship_state": "string",
"ship_postcode": "string",
"ship_country": "string",
"ship_block": "string",
"custom_1": "string",
"custom_2": "string",
"custom_3": "string",
"custom_4": "string",
"custom_5": "string",
"custom_6": "string",
"custom_7": "string",
"custom_8": "string",
"custom_9": "string",
"custom_10": "string",
"custom_11": "string",
"custom_12": "string",
"custom_13": "string",
"custom_14": "string",
"custom_15": "string",
"custom_16": "string",
"custom_17": "string",
"custom_18": "string",
"custom_19": "string",
"custom_20": "string",
"write_datetime": "string",
"write_ipaddr": "string",
"mod_datetime": "string",
"mod_ipaddr": "string",
"brand_id": 0,
"class_name": "string",
"terms_id": 0,
"terms_name": "string",
"terms_days": 0,
"url_statementlink": "string",
"url_paymethodlink": "string",
"url_self": "string",
"admin_name": "string",
"admin_email": "string",
"customer_status_id": 0,
"customer_status_name": "string",
"customer_status_str": "string",
"customer_status_state": "string",
"default_paymethod": "string",
"default_creditcard_id": 0,
"default_ach_id": 0,
"no_taxes": true,
"no_dunning": true,
"no_latefees": true,
"no_procfees": true,
"invoice_delivery": "print",
"dunning_delivery": "print",
"tax_ident": "string",
"total": 0,
"balance": 0,
"paid": 0,
"mrr": 0,
"arr": 0,
"tags": [
"code": 200,
"status": "OK",
"message": "",
"details": {},
"response": {
"superuser_id": 364,
"external_key": null,
"token": "fozdqj169569",
"company": "Karli Marie",
"bill_addr1": "56 Wintergreen Street",
"bill_addr2": "",
"bill_addr3": "",
"bill_city": "Hamden",
"bill_state": "CT",
"bill_postcode": "06517",
"bill_country": "United States",
"bill_notes": null,
"ship_addr1": null,
"ship_addr2": null,
"ship_addr3": null,
"ship_city": null,
"ship_state": null,
"ship_postcode": null,
"ship_country": null,
"ship_notes": null,
"terms_id": 3,
"class_id": 0,
"custom_1": "",
"custom_2": null,
"custom_3": null,
"custom_4": null,
"custom_5": null,
"custom_6": null,
"admin_id": 4,
"campaign_id": 0,
"currency_id": 1,
"language_id": 1,
"brand_id": 1,
"default_paymethod": "crd",
"default_creditcard_id": 51,
"default_ach_id": null,
"no_taxes": false,
"no_dunning": false,
"write_datetime": "2017-05-18 09:36:19",
"write_ipaddr": "",
"mod_datetime": "2017-12-01 21:37:50",
"mod_ipaddr": "",
"terms_name": "Due on Receipt",
"terms_days": 0,
"class_name": "",
"paid": 1145.46,
"total": 2656.11,
"balance": 1510.65,
"url_paymethodlink": "",
"url_self": "",
"admin_name": "ChargeOver Support",
"admin_email": "",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_iso4217": "USD",
"display_as": "Karli Marie",
"ship_block": "",
"bill_block": "56 Wintergreen Street\nHamden CT 06517\nUnited States",
"superuser_name": "Karli Marie",
"superuser_first_name": "Karli",
"superuser_last_name": "Marie",
"superuser_phone": "860-249-1317",
"superuser_email": "",
"superuser_token": "1892mske1j64",
"customer_id": 16,
"parent_customer_id": null,
"invoice_delivery": "email",
"dunning_delivery": "email",
"customer_status_id": 2,
"customer_status_name": "Over Due",
"customer_status_str": "active-overdue",
"customer_status_state": "a",
"superuser_username": "QATPM1zD4CLE",
"tags": [
Bad request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 400,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Missing or invalid parameter.",
"details": {},
"response": false
Authentication error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 401,
"status": "Error",
"message": "Invalid or incorrect authorization [Missing (basic) authorization header.]",
"details": {},
"response": false
Object not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
"code": 0,
"status": "string",
"message": "string",
"details": {},
"response": true
"code": 404,
"status": "Error",
"message": "This object does not exist.",
"details": {},
"response": null