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Get a specific customer



Get a specific customer using their customer_id.



Object was fetched successfully


    code integer
    status string
    message stringnullable
    details objectnullable



    customer_id integer

    Customer ID #

    parent_customer_id integer

    Parent customer ID #

    token string

    Customer Token

    superuser_id integer

    Main contact ID #

    external_key string

    External key value

    display_as string


    company string

    Company/customer name

    language_id integer

    Language ID #

    currency_id integer

    Currency ID #

    currency_iso4217 string

    ISO 4217 currency code representation

    currency_symbol string

    Symbol for currency ($, £, etc.)

    class_id integer

    Default class tracking ID #

    admin_id integer

    Admin/Worker ID number

    campaign_id integer

    Campaign/lead source ID #

    superuser_username string

    Main contact username

    superuser_email string

    Main contact e-mail address

    superuser_name string

    Main contact name

    superuser_first_name string

    Main contact first name

    superuser_last_name string

    Main contact last name

    superuser_phone string

    Main contact phone number

    superuser_token string

    Main contact token

    superuser_title string

    Main contact title

    bill_addr1 string

    Billing address line 1

    bill_addr2 string

    Billing address line 2

    bill_addr3 string


    bill_city string

    Billing address city

    bill_state string

    Billing address state/province

    bill_postcode string

    Billing address postal code

    bill_country string

    Billing address country

    bill_block string

    Printable billing address

    ship_addr1 string

    Shipping address line 1

    ship_addr2 string

    Shipping address line 2

    ship_addr3 string


    ship_city string

    Shipping address city

    ship_state string

    Shipping address state

    ship_postcode string

    Shipping address postal code

    ship_country string

    Shipping address country

    ship_block string

    Printable shipping address

    custom_1 string

    Custom field #1

    custom_2 string

    Custom field #2

    custom_3 string

    Custom field #3

    custom_4 string

    Custom field #4

    custom_5 string

    Custom field #5

    custom_6 string

    Custom field #6

    custom_7 string

    Custom field #7

    custom_8 string

    Custom field #8

    custom_9 string

    Custom field #9

    custom_10 string

    Custom field #10

    custom_11 string

    Custom field #11

    custom_12 string

    Custom field #12

    custom_13 string

    Custom field #13

    custom_14 string

    Custom field #14

    custom_15 string

    Custom field #15

    custom_16 string

    Custom field #16

    custom_17 string

    Custom field #17

    custom_18 string

    Custom field #18

    custom_19 string

    Custom field #19

    custom_20 string

    Custom field #20

    write_datetime string

    Date/time this customer was created

    write_ipaddr string

    IP address that created this customer

    mod_datetime string

    Date/time this customer was updated

    mod_ipaddr string

    IP address that last updated this customer

    brand_id integer

    Brand ID #

    class_name string

    Class name

    terms_id integer

    Default terms ID number

    terms_name string

    Default payment terms

    terms_days integer

    Number of days for the default payment terms

    url_statementlink string

    URL the customer can visit to view their monthly statement

    url_paymethodlink string

    URL the customer can visit to update their payment method

    url_self string

    URL for viewing the customer in the GUI

    admin_name string

    Admin/Worker Name

    admin_email string

    Admin/Worker Email

    customer_status_id integer

    Customer Status ID #

    customer_status_name string

    Human-friendly customer status

    customer_status_str string

    Status string

    customer_status_state string

    Status code

    default_paymethod string

    Default payment method type

    default_creditcard_id integer

    Default credit card ID number (if the default payment method is a credit card)

    default_ach_id integer

    Default ACH/eCheck ID number (if the default payment method is ACH)

    no_taxes boolean

    Flag to disable charging of taxes

    no_dunning boolean

    Flag to disable dunning

    no_latefees boolean

    Flag to disable late fees

    no_procfees boolean

    Flag to disable processing fees

    invoice_delivery string

    Delivery method for initial invoices ("email" or "print" for printed hard-copy)

    Possible values: [print, email]

    dunning_delivery string

    Delivery method for dunning/reminder invoices ("email" or "print" for printed hard-copy via Docsaway, Lob, etc.)

    Possible values: [print, email]

    tax_ident string

    Tax ID #/VAT #

    total float

    The sum total amount of all invoices ever issued to this customer (lifetime value)

    balance float

    Balance due for this customer

    paid float

    The lifetime net total payments minus refunds this customer has made

    mrr float

    Current monthly recurring revenue of the customer

    arr float

    Current annual recurring revenue of the customer

    tags string[]

    A list of tags
